Absolute support, extensive awareness, enlightenment and advocate for those living with Vitiligo, for their Rights and well-being
Active Vitiligo Support in Africa

june 25

World Vitiligo Day - June 25

There are a lot of people who for some reason do not believe we should stand up for our rights and demand a cure for Vitiligo a neglected and underestimated condition. They say Vitiligo is not life threatening and not contagious when most persons living with Vitiligo are emotionally and psychologically dead. That we must embrace a life of hiding from sunlight and from the society. We must be faced with stigma, segregation and rejection the society refuse to agree exist.

Our Theme, Our Hope – World Vitiligo Day June 25th

Greetings from Vitiligo Support and Awareness Foundation (VITSAF), Nigeria, I hope this meets us all well in this brand New Year!

Blog Date: 
January 31, 2012

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More to Life! Vitsaf Documentary on Vitiligo

Supporting The Psychosocial Needs of People living with Vitiligo

VITSAF WVD Documentary