Absolute support, extensive awareness, enlightenment and advocate for those living with Vitiligo, for their Rights and well-being
Active Vitiligo Support in Africa

Resources and Research

It is encouraging that so much energy is being devoted to researching vitiligo and contributing to the global understanding of this disorder.

VITSAF has been able to republish a series of handbooks for:

to help the broader community better understand and manage vitiligo which can be accessed for free on our site. We’ve also compiled a list of useful books and research journal articles which can be accessed or purchased elsewhere online.

A wealth of video resources exist to help explain vitiligo and its impact upon individuals. To view these, head to our videos page.

More to Life! Vitsaf Documentary on Vitiligo

Supporting The Psychosocial Needs of People living with Vitiligo

VITSAF WVD Documentary