Vitiligo Support and Awareness Foundation (VITSAF), is a not-for-profit, patient–driven, patient-advocate organization incorporated in Nigeria and passionately concerned about the Rights and Well-being of individuals living with Vitiligo primarily in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa, helping ameliorate the agony people suffer as a result of turning from black to white.
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Why and for what?
VITSAF support groups
VITSAF Vitiligo Support Groups (VVSG) are made up of local Vitiligo Patients, concerned and interested Dermatologists, other Professionals such as eg Psychologists, Corrective make-up artist, Image Consultants dedicated towards improving the Quality of Life of Vitiligo Patients.
"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what you make of it"
I am starting with my life experience and having been in contact with persons going through some sort of depression and low self esteem. I have a skin condition called Vitiligo, a very disfiguring devastating condition one can come down with, where your appearance is being threatened with no solid help in a world where physical appearance is being celebrated more than anything. I am talking about Vitiligo because that's one great challenge I had with my attitude and approach to life.
Overtime I have been told by people, I really don't see reasons why persons living with Vitiligo should be traumatized & stigmatized, it's just a change in skin color... One of the persons who said this overtime to me could not step out of her house to go to work someday because she got acne on her face, I didn't understand when she told me that go out with that acne bulging (you needed to see the size) out of her chin.
Ogo Maduewesi welcomes you and ask you that you keep a date with us as we will be treating ourselves to practical ways of living positively and Healthily.
Its in our hands to bless ourselves with Health and Positivity!
There are lots of ways to get involved with VITSAF and our work. If you or a loved one is living with vitiligo or a disfigurement or would like to know and understand more about about community.