Absolute support, extensive awareness, enlightenment and advocate for those living with Vitiligo, for their Rights and well-being
Active Vitiligo Support in Africa

Vitmin's blog

Our Theme, Our Hope – World Vitiligo Day June 25th

Greetings from Vitiligo Support and Awareness Foundation (VITSAF), Nigeria, I hope this meets us all well in this brand New Year!

Blog Date: 
January 31, 2012

Debut Video Productions for Vitiligo Awareness and Enlightenment in Africa

VITSAF's one major goal is to achieve extensive Vitiligo awareness and enlightenment amongst the general public and medical community in Africa and beyond. This we have started delivering thus our debut video productions. Our main approach to this is through entertainment.

D Productions:

More to Life - A Documentary on Vitiligo (online version to be uploaded soon), contact us on vitsupng@gmail.com for a copy if you are willing to help us in publicizing Vitiligo Awareness

Blog Date: 
February 16, 2011

Psychological impact of Vitiligo

… having Vitiligo is not the cataclysmic calamity that a terminal cancer or severely disabling injury would be. But I do know that its effects on a person's confidence and self-image can be quite devastating.

Blog Date: 
November 30, 2010


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More to Life! Vitsaf Documentary on Vitiligo

Supporting The Psychosocial Needs of People living with Vitiligo

VITSAF WVD Documentary