Vitiligo Support and Awareness Foundation (VITSAF), is a not-for-profit, patient–driven, patient-advocate organization incorporated in Nigeria and passionately concerned about the Rights and Well-being of individuals living with Vitiligo primarily in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa, helping ameliorate the agony people suffer as a result of turning from black to white.
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Why and for what?
VITSAF support groups
VITSAF Vitiligo Support Groups (VVSG) are made up of local Vitiligo Patients, concerned and interested Dermatologists, other Professionals such as eg Psychologists, Corrective make-up artist, Image Consultants dedicated towards improving the Quality of Life of Vitiligo Patients.
VITSAF's one major goal is to achieve extensive Vitiligo awareness and enlightenment amongst the general public and medical community in Africa and beyond. This we have started delivering thus our debut video productions. Our main approach to this is through entertainment.
D Productions:
More to Life - A Documentary on Vitiligo (online version to be uploaded soon), contact us on for a copy if you are willing to help us in publicizing Vitiligo Awareness
… having Vitiligo is not the cataclysmic calamity that a terminal cancer or severely disabling injury would be. But I do know that its effects on a person's confidence and self-image can be quite devastating.
There are lots of ways to get involved with VITSAF and our work. If you or a loved one is living with vitiligo or a disfigurement or would like to know and understand more about about community.