Absolute support, extensive awareness, enlightenment and advocate for those living with Vitiligo, for their Rights and well-being
Active Vitiligo Support in Africa


Calling on body-positive Vitiligans! World Vitiligo Day 2023

June 24, 2023

Calling on body-positive Vitiligans!

I'm excited to announce that I'm offering an online workshop in celebration of World Vitiligo Day. As a newly certified Body Positive Facilitator, I'm passionate about helping us all embrace our unique beauty. In this workshop, you'll learn how to:

Challenge negative body image thoughts
Build self-acceptance

VITSAF presents World Vitiligo Day Abuja 2017

February 24, 2017
VITSAF World Vitiligo Day Abuja 24-25 June 2017 Announcement

World Vitiligo Day 2017
Sat 24 - Sun 25 June 2017
World Vitiligo Day Abuja 2017 will be a fun filled two part event; A 5-10km hike, and a Purple Tunic Party themed, Difference is Beautiful.
June 24 - 25, 2017

VITSAF World Vitiligo Day 2016 - WALK IN OUR SHOES Weekend campaign

May 25, 2016
VITSAF World Vitiligo Day 2016 program

You Can Be Instrumental in Raising Awareness of Vitiligo

Wear YOUR 3D Temporary Vitiligo Tattoo and Show Your Support for Vitiligo awareness, treatment, and research everywhere.

Get it here:

Vitiligo is a little understood skin condition that afflicts people worldwide. It causes white patches on the skin. It is not communicable.

June 24 - 26 is our "WALK IN OUR SHOES" event to increase awareness and raise funds to treat and understand Vitiligo.


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More to Life! Vitsaf Documentary on Vitiligo

Supporting The Psychosocial Needs of People living with Vitiligo

VITSAF WVD Documentary